What a Personal Injury Attorney Will Do for You
If you are seriously injured due to someone’s negligence, hiring a personal injury attorney to represent you is always a wise decision. Some people decide to manage small claims on their own. Although doable, keep in mind that seemingly minor injuries sometimes are more serious ones in disguise, intensifying weeks, even many months, after the initial incident. An already settled claim precludes reopening the claim or going to court — you’re basically hung out to dry. It never hurts to...Read More
Pain and Suffering from a Legal Standpoint
“Pain and suffering” is a key component in many personal injury cases. There are two types: physical pain and suffering, and mental pain and suffering. Physical pain and suffering covers not only the ill physical effects that a claimant has suffered to date, but also what they are likely to endure in the future as a result of the defendant’s negligence. Mental pain and suffering can be an offshoot of the claimant’s physical injuries in an accident. It can include...Read More
Preexisting Injuries and Auto Accident Cases
Some people are under the mistaken notion that preexisting injuries might preclude them from recovering damages in an auto accident claim against a negligent driver. Truth is, a preexisting injury may have no impact on a claim, or may even lead to higher compensation, since the accident may result in more severe consequences than it otherwise would have due to the preexisting condition (something known as the “eggshell plaintiff” rule). Insurance companies should not have to pay for injuries that...Read More