
Workers Compensation Law

Welcome to our dedicated online resource center focusing on Workers’ Compensation Law in New Hampshire. Our blog is your invaluable source for the latest updates, expert insights, and essential information related to workplace injury and compensation within the Granite State.

For those seeking knowledge, guidance, or assistance with workers’ compensation matters in New Hampshire, you’ve arrived at the right destination. Our mission is to provide you with comprehensive information to help you understand your rights, navigate the complexities of the law, and ensure fair treatment and compensation.

Explore our blog to stay informed about the latest legal developments, real-life case studies, and practical advice for handling workers’ compensation claims. Whether you’re an injured worker, an employer, or a legal professional specializing in this field, our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and resources necessary to make informed decisions and secure the benefits and support you deserve within the realm of Workers’ Compensation Law in New Hampshire.

What is Permanent Partial Disability and Who Qualifies?

If you have been injured while at work, it is important to understand your options. Permanent partial disability, or what NH workers compensation law calls “permanent impairment”, was created to supplement the lost wages of someone who was permanently injured while on the job. Every state has different policies to protect its workers, so we will review permanent partial disability in New Hampshire, or permanent impairment, and what qualifies as a permanent disability. What is Permanent Impairment Disability  A permanent...
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What Does Workers Compensation Cover in New Hampshire?

You have probably heard of Workers’ Compensation or, more commonly known as workers’ comp. You may not, however, be familiar with what workers’ compensation covers or how it can benefit you in the event of a work-related injury. According to the Department of Labor, workers’ compensation is a type of accident insurance paid for by employers. Workers’ compensation insurance protects any employee who is injured while working or acquires some other type of work-related illness. Workers’ Compensation laws may vary...
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What to Know After a Slip and Fall Accident

Have you suffered from a slip and fall in New Hampshire? If so, you are not alone. More than one million people visit the emergency room every year because of an injury due to a slip and fall. If you’ve been injured, you may have a lot of questions. Can you sue after a slip and fall? Who is liable? What do you need to do after the accident? Every slip and fall case is unique, so be sure to...
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