Facts About Lead Paint

Lead Paint


Facts about lead paint and the dangers of lead poisoning

  • Lead is very poisonous, especially to children.
  • Many NH homes built before 1978 contain lead paint.
  • When lead paint chips, flakes or deteriorates, it can get into places in which children play or crawl.
  • Children get lead into their bodies by engaging in normal hand to mouth activities.
  • Children with lead poisoning are at risk for learning disabilities and behavioral problems.
  • If you live in rental housing and your child has been diagnosed with lead poisoning, your child may have legal rights to monetary damages from the landlord.

For more information about the health risks of lead, review the links below.


NH Lead Paint Laws and Regulations

Current state and federal legislation both require that every potential tenant or buyer of residential property be given written notice of the dangers of lead based paints and that it could be present in the property. The New Hampshire laws are generally found in NH RSA 130-A, and NH RSA 477:4. The Federal Laws are found in what is called TITLE X.

The laws not only require that buyers and tenants be given written notice of lead paint hazards, but also the opportunity to inspect for those hazards before they are legally bound to the lease or purchase. If the residential structure is actually known to contain lead-based paint, there are requirements that it be removed prior to being rented. Potential fines, criminal action, punitive damages and attorney fees can be levied against owners and landlords who violate these laws.