What is Implied Consent
NH RSA 265-A:4 provides that “any person operating a vehicle or an OHRV on a way, or a boat on public waters, is deemed to have given consent to a blood alcohol test or physical tests if that person has been arrested for an offense that arises out of acts the State alleges were committed while the person was operating under the influence of intoxicating liquor and/or drugs.” If the arrest is for a violation or a misdemeanor, the driver...Read More
What To Do If You Are Pulled Over For A DWI
If you are pulled over and an officer suspects that you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs you are likely to be asked a series of questions. The manner in which you respond to those questions may determine what steps the officer takes. Typically the first thing you will be asked is if you know why the officer pulled you over. The officer asks the question in part to see if you will admit to certain behavior. Be...Read More
DWI and Driver’s License Suspensions
Of course, if you are convicted of DWI, the Court will suspend your license. However, your license can be suspended before you have even been convicted of a DWI offense—and it only takes one offense: no multiple violations over a period of time or accruing points. If you refuse post arrest physical or blood alcohol tests, or take a blood alcohol test which shows a result over the legal limit, the State will seek to suspend your license. This process...Read More
Drugs and DWI
When it comes to DWI, many people automatically think “alcohol.” However drugs, over the counter, prescribed and illegal, can also impair your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. Of course, alcohol combined with any form of drug almost always enhances the impact of both on an individual. Any level of impairment in New Hampshire can lead to both an arrest for and conviction of DWI. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimated that in 2014, approximately 22 percent of...Read More
What Happens When You Get a DUI in New Hampshire
Driving while under the influence is extremely dangerous, and comes with several serious consequences. In New Hampshire, you can be arrested for DUI if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08 or higher, or under the age of 21, .02 or more. You can also be arrested for DWI/DUI for being under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any controlled drug, prescription drug, over the counter drug, or any other chemical substance, natural or synthetic, which impairs a person’s ability...Read More
Driver’s License Suspension for DUI/DWI
One way a driver can lose their license is to commit too many “moving violations” within a certain period of time—e.g., running a red light, speeding, and so forth. Before your license is suspended, you are entitled to a hearing with a motor vehicle bureau officer, at which time you can plead your case and explain any extenuating circumstances. Another way to have your driver’s license suspended is to get caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. DMV...Read More
How DWI/DUIs Work in New Hampshire
In New Hampshire, an impaired driving charge is called a DWI, although it is often referred to as a DUI. If you are caught driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, the penalties are sizable. Depending on your specific DWI in New Hampshire case, you could face significant fines, jail time and/or license suspension. The best thing to do if you have been arrested for a DWI is call a New Hampshire DWI lawyer. This article explains how getting...Read More
Two Ways to Lose Your License for DWI
Everyone knows that if you are arrested for DWI and convicted the Court will suspend your license. The only uncertainty is how long the suspension will last. That will depend on whether the charge is a DWI first, subsequent or aggravated. What many people don’t know is that DMV also has the authority to suspend your license separately from the conviction for DWI. If you are arrested for DWI the officer making the arrest will almost always ask you to...Read More
DWI/DUI Arrest – Sobriety Test and Dismissed
Sobriety test for driver – our client was stopped for speed. The officer went up to the car and had a conversation with our client while he was sitting inside his car. During the conversation, the officer opened our client’s car door and asked him to step out, telling him to shut his car off. The driver did take the field sobriety tests and was arrested for DWI. The criminal defense attorneys at Seufert Law filed a Motion to Suppress the...Read More