What Happens When You Get a DUI in New Hampshire
Driving while under the influence is extremely dangerous, and comes with several serious consequences. In New Hampshire, you can be arrested for DUI if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08 or higher, or under the age of 21, .02 or more. You can also be arrested for DWI/DUI for being under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any controlled drug, prescription drug, over the counter drug, or any other chemical substance, natural or synthetic, which impairs a person’s ability...Read More
Driver’s License Suspension for DUI/DWI
One way a driver can lose their license is to commit too many “moving violations” within a certain period of time—e.g., running a red light, speeding, and so forth. Before your license is suspended, you are entitled to a hearing with a motor vehicle bureau officer, at which time you can plead your case and explain any extenuating circumstances. Another way to have your driver’s license suspended is to get caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. DMV...Read More