Flaking Paint Raises Two Year Old’s Blood Level
Parents rented home in Northfield, NH in 2008 for family that included a 2-year old child. Landlord failed to give family the required lead paint disclosure forms or pamphlet. Landlord knew home was older home with peeling and flaking paint but told family that they could repaint if they wished. The following year, at child’s 3-year “well baby visit”, a blood lead level of 20 mg/dl was discovered and NH DHHS, Childhood Lead Paint Poisoning Division investigated the home and found numerous lead paint violations. Child went on to develop mild learning disabilities. Suit was filed on behalf of the family in Merrimack County Superior Court.
- Defense: Landlord said she thought she gave the Lead Paint Disclosures but had no signatures of the parents acknowledging they received it.
- Settlement: Settled March 2017 after final pre-trial for $85,000
- Plaintiff’s Counsel – Christopher J. Seufert, Esquire, Seufert Law Offices, P.A., Fran Murphy, Shaheen & Gordon.
- Defense Counsel Gary Burt, Primmer Law